OW Cross Country Alumni Race Results

13 October 2023

On Saturday 16th September, OWXC took part in the 71st Annual Alumni Race on Wimbledon Common, an 8k undulating cross-country course. This is a long-standing challenge amongst the alumni/ae of all the top schools and is as much social as it is competitive. For the first time, we were joined by four current College students accompanied by newly appointed member of staff Deirdre McDermot, who stormed the course and was the first female finisher.

Of the 33 teams and 185 runners taking part, OWXC again fielded the largest team with our 17 runners, despite the squad being depleted by an unusually large number of injuries. In the overall competition for the King Henry VIII Trophy, our top 4 (Simon Martin 28th , Roland Hunter 34th, Deidre McDermot 38th and Alex Barnes 39th) came 7th out of the 33 teams.

In the Old Brentwood Trophy (for the over 40s, with 3 to qualify per team) we came 3rd, thanks to Roland Hunter, Alex Barnes and Tom Salvesen, whilst the rest of the OWXC team was fairly evenly spread among the various age groups, without gaining any podium places. Unfortunately, we couldn’t field enough of our female members to retain the Old Johnian Cup, which we had won in the two previous years.
My grateful thanks to all who, despite serious traffic congestion, made the journey to Wimbledon (Roland Hunter again drove up from Devon!), with the hope that we’ll all be back next year – along with many of our current members who couldn’t make it this year, plus the addition of new members.

Any OW interested in running and who would like to join OWXC should contact Gary Lloyd (galloyd2000@hotmail.com or 07880 707120).

We are delighted to announce that the the Wellingtonians Vs OWs Cross Country event is taking place on Saturday 2nd December at 11:45 am at College. The course will follow the route of the Kingsleys (without Swan Lake!) To find out more and to register please click here.

Gary Lloyd (Sec OWXC)