Support Us

Our fundraising activities

Wellington College was created thanks to a generous act of philanthropy which continues to be essential for the ongoing development and success of the College. By supporting the College, you will be part of a broad philanthropic community helping to deliver an education that is unsurpassed anywhere in the world.

Your generous donations can be directed towards the Prince Albert Foundation (PAF) Scholarship programme which offers students with talent and promise but limited means a chance to benefit from a Wellington education. It can also contribute to preserving our buildings and grounds. Lastly, your donations can be directed to unrestricted funds, which gives College the flexibility to direct the money to the area most needed at the time.

As a supporter of College, you will become a member of one of our Giving Circles, which aim to celebrate philanthropy at College and create a community of like-minded individuals. We are delighted to be able to share with you our Celebrating Philanthropy at Wellington update.

Widening Opportunity at Wellington

Prince Albert Foundation Scholarship Programme

The Prince Albert Foundation Scholarship programme offers the life-changing opportunity that a Wellington education provides to many more young people with talent and ambition who simply cannot afford the fees.
Find out more…

Giving Week 2023

Thank you so much for making Welly Giving Week 2023 such a wonderful success! Your incredible support means we are able to offer 16 more young people a life-changing Prince Albert Scholarship. This is an incredible achievement and will change the lives of these young people, their families, friends, and the wider Wellington Community.

OW Giving Circle

The Kingsleys Society

The Kingsleys Society is our OW giving club. We hope that all OWs continue a long-standing tradition of giving something back to Wellington, and will feel a sense of pride to do so and be part of something very important.
Find out more…

Legacy Giving

The Waterloo Society

The Waterloo Society is for anyone who has pledged to leave a gift in their will. Gifts to the College are an important element of our fundraising programme and help to fund our scholarship programme as well as preserving our wonderful buildings and grounds.
Find out more…

Celebrating OW Giving Since 1859

OW Giving

Thank you so much for all your support for OW Giving Day and the telephone campaign in April 2024. We have been overwhelmed with the results. As we celebrate 165 years of OW philanthropy it’s great to know that the OW Community continue to be as supportive as they always have been.

Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about the projects or to get more involved, and don’t forget to keep updated with latest news and events here on the Community website.

Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you to our 2024 Telephone Campaign callers

Read a little about why they wanted to get involved and what they got out of the experience…


I love the fact I’ve been able to use the great start of Wellington to try and create that for others.
Christina Tanner
(C 21)
I enjoyed speaking to OWs and how they have navigated life in so many different ways after College.
Cole Whittingham
(Bn 21)
I enjoyed being able to speak from my own experiences and also having conversations about life experiences and challenges.
Naomi Tchesse
(Hg 2023)
I am very grateful to have been a part of this campaign and found it to be a valuable experience.
Tristan Surgenor
(L 23)
It was really uplifting to hear OW, expressing how heavily they credit the college with their successes in life, however they define it.
Oliver Knight
(Bl 22)
Working as a telephone caller was a valuable, motivating, and satisfying way to enhance my personal skills whilst feeling a broader sense of service to the school.
Wil Pope
(Bl 22)
It was a positive and eye opening experience that has taught me about my skills and prepared me for future careers.
Louis Hughes
(Bd 22)

Community Report

Celebrating Philanthropy

We are extremely grateful to our Wellington Community of parents and OWs for their exceptional support for the College. We are so appreciative of everything that you have done and continue to do.

Recognising your support

Giving Circles

Anyone that kindly donates to the College will automatically become a member of one of our philanthropy groups. All donors will have their names engraved on special boards and will be invited to the Master’s annual summer drinks reception.

Friends Gift level up to £5,000
Patrons Gift level £5,000 up to £25,000
Champions Gift level £25,000 up to £100,000
Pioneers Gift level over £100,000
Wellington Benefactor Gift level over £250,000