On Saturday 25th February, Dr Aric Sigman returned to Wellington to for the latest Pastoral Talk which explored body image. Body dissatisfaction has become so prevalent amongst girls that it is now being described as a “normative discontent”. Whilst more boys over-exercise, body build and take supplements and anabolic steroids to acquire a six pack. […]
As the 2017 Momentum interviews approach, I thought that I would send a quick reminder about how much talent is coming out of Academy and State Schools in the UK. The article at the link below was written by a Momentum student whilst working for The Budding Entrepreneur Magazine, who are a great support of ours, […]
Delivered by the talented Teenagers Translated team, this presentation distilled the most current research in psychology, neuroscience and biochemistry into practical strategies. The talk aimed to deepen an understanding of the links between emotions, physiology and behaviour and to promote the sort of communication and environment most likely to promote collaborative behaviour, growth and learning […]
Please support William Morison and his charity, Decision, in their inaugural fundraising event, the Black & Gold Gala Ball. Click on the auction link below and look through the lots on offer and of course if anything takes your fancy, please place a bid. http://www.jumblebee.co.uk/Decision Decision is an organisation that is dedicated to improving the lives […]
All money raised goes to our service partners, the Mityana Charity. Based in Crowthorne, the Orange have a long history with this Charity which supports projects in the Mityana region of Uganda. The Orange has been instrumental in building Nabukenya Primary School, and supporting the provision of free education to 1000s of young children who […]