The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created, within days, hundreds of thousands of displaced people. We thought you would like to be aware that OW Przemek Skwirczynski (M 01) has written to us, and we would like to draw your attention to his commendable charitable work and an appeal for donations which can be found here: APKM UK UKRAINE 2022 APPEAL
‘A charity I have been involved with for quite some time is helping Ukrainians fleeing to Poland from the Russian invasion, as well as helping directly in Ukraine via its sister organisation. It is the Polish association of the Knights of Malta (basically a Catholic equivalent of St John’s Ambulance here in the UK). They have a UK charity subsidiary and as such any donations by UK taxpayers would also be available for Gift Aid.
I suspect there are many of us now wondering what we could do to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis which is fast developing in Central Eastern Europe, and this is a way of ensuring those in need are reached very quickly, as the Knights of Malta have already kick-started their operations there.’ Przemek Skwirczynski (M 01)