Robin Chu (Hl 09) is the CEO and founder of CoachBright, they are an award-winning national social enterprise supporting the next generation to become independent and resilient so they can lead the lives they want. Working across schools, universities and organisations, they’re giving students and young professionals the tools and behaviours to succeed.
Coach Bright have recently launched the child poverty campaign to help those children most in need. Covid-19 is an unprecedented challenge, the shop shelves are being stripped bare by those who can afford to panic buy, food banks are losing donations and schools are closed for the foreseeable future, meaning millions of Britain’s poorest families will be struggling to feed themselves over the months ahead. MPs have estimated 3 million children are at risk of being hungry – made up of more than a million children who qualify for free school meals, and about 2 million who are disqualified from free school meals because their parents work but remain in poverty. At times of crisis we need to come together and support the most vulnerable in society.
The money raised during this campaign will be distributed out amongst schools and food poverty charities, who will then provide meals to the families who need them the most.
For more information or to donate please follow this link: