Henry Duff (S 15) and friend, Oli Kriskinans, have decided to embark upon an adventurous business journey, HERD is a brand new platform where the stories you read are crafted by people like you. For more details about this exciting new venture please see below from Henry.
Hello OWs, we’re looking for some exciting content to get things up and running. For this, we think the OW community could be of great help to us, whilst it also provides an exciting opportunity for you to share some of your views and experiences with the community.
Our goal is to change the calibre of news that currently clogs our newsfeeds. We know there’s so much positive, creative and exciting content out there that people want to engage with, so we’ve tasked ourselves with finding and delivering it. Importantly, we want the community we surround ourselves with to be driving the content. This means giving anyone and everyone the freedom to express views, experiences and ideas on a single, shared platform. We know from our research that people are desperate to read about what their friends are doing, new ideas they are pursuing or ground-breaking experiences that have changed their lifestyle.
The challenge now for us is to find content, which means finding a tribe of individuals who are keen to share their thoughts and experiences in the form of a short article. So, we’re calling out to anyone who thinks they may have a story to share with their community or a subject they’re passionate about and are keen to vocalise their views. No matter how big or small, we’d love to hear from you!
If writing is something that doesn’t appeal to you, please still get in touch with anything you’d be really keen to read about and we’ll try our best to find that elusive story for you. If anyone is interested in this opportunity, please contact me at henry@herdcommunity.co.uk so I can provide further details and assistance. Or visit our website for more information: https://www.herdcommunity.co.uk/
Cheers, Henry Duff.