Pelumi Agbedejobi graduated from Wellington College in 2017 and has completed a 4 year integrated Masters Programme at the University of Leeds in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering and has just embarked upon a career in Finance.
It’s difficult to describe how I felt being offered a place at Wellington (or how I felt when arriving at Wellington) as when you are 16 you don’t have many opportunities where your life is going to change – a change which you hope is going to be for the better.
The opportunity showed me that life is much larger than you think, and the opportunities and possibilities it brought expanded my horizons massively.
At Wellington I studied A level Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Physics. I have always been a scientific person and had a scientific mind. I am good at mathematics and good at numbers. The natural progression for me from Wellington was to study Engineering. I chose Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering as I felt it was the most interesting and it appealed to me the most.
The biggest thing Wellington gave me was self-confidence and I needed it for this intimidating course.
Once you have completed your time at Wellington you genuinely believe you can do anything, and it gives you a supreme level of confidence. No matter what you face you have faced harder, you carry everyday what you learnt at Wellington as you transition through life.
The teachers’ unconditional belief in you makes you believe in yourself and realise how capable you are. It was the opportunity of a lifetime; it truly was and it’s something that I will always be grateful for.”