The Leavers’ Bursary Fund
Over the years to mark students time at College parents have been asked to contribute to a number of projects; including sculpture, benches, a sundial and more. Having spoken to a number of ‘leaver parents’, this type of approach isn’t always universally embraced, so this year we have a new initiative.
For those of you who wish to contribute by way of a leaving gift we would like to encourage you to make a donation to our Leavers’ Bursary Fund that will support our WOW! campaign (Widening Opportunity at Wellington) to fund more young people to be able to come to College and enjoy the opportunities that a Wellington education provides. We will also be asking the leaver students to make a very small annual donation to the fund to encourage the concept of philanthropy and support of their old school. If you would like to make a donation please could you complete the form which can be downloaded here and return to us or donate online now.
Regardless of whether this is a fund that you wish to donate to we will be buying a bench and will have every 2017 leaver’s name on it – to ensure that their time and contribution to College life is celebrated and remembered. Wellington College continues to thrive thanks to the amazing talents and efforts of our students and it is a small way of showing our gratitude to them and to you as parents for all that you have done to help this amazing place go from strength to strength.