Nicole Clarke (Hg 21) has recently graduated from Wellington College and has started studying Anthropology at University College London. Nicole tells us about what being a Prince Albert Scholar meant to her and how it has impacted her life.
I heard about Wellington College from my Saturday school, Eastside Youth Leadership Academy (EYLA). Wellington was one of the schools they mentioned when they were talking about schools that they had previously sent students to – Eton, Rugby, Wellington College. So, when I first heard about Wellington, I didn’t think it was where I was going to end up going!
The Prince Albert Foundation makes a difference to Scholars and their families. It gives a family something to look forward to because in the areas where Scholars are quite often from, you are fundamentally trapped in them.
I have just graduated from Wellington College, and I applied to 5 universities, all of which were in the Russell Group, and I got into them all! Being able to have that many options, I am just so lucky and excited for my next steps and will be always grateful for the opportunities and possibilities that Wellington brought me!