The scheme was established in 2012 by two Old Wellingtonians, Nick Cowley and Rupert Taylor. The aim of the scheme is to mentor, and provide work experience, for a select group of Academy leavers. As the Academy develops it is producing talented and increasingly well qualified leavers. However, the academy can rarely provide these leavers with the kind of career opportunities that would be available to an OW. The idea of The Talent Tap scheme is to use the OW network to help provide these opportunities.
This assistance largely takes the form of work experience. Many careers can only be accessed if the applicant can demonstrate appropriate work experience on their CV. But there is an inherent un-fairness in this system. Work experience is generally unpaid and as such it is only available students who can afford to spend weeks at a time working for free that can afford to gain the experience. Equally access to work experience requires a network of contacts, and in many cases, access to accommodation in London. The Talent Tap scheme exists to provide both the contacts required to access work experience opportunities, as well as the financial support needed to allow talented students to gain that experience.
The Talent Tap is now a fully funded programme offering work experience packages to Academy students over the summer that they finish their A Levels, and ongoing support in the years after, as they progress through university, or the early stages of their career.
The programme takes place in early July i.e. directly after A level, or equivalent, exams have been completed and students have left school. However support does not end after one year. Successful students are invited to return throughout their University career. Indeed support continues right up to the point at which students begin their career.
The selection process seeks to identify candidates that:
– Have the necessary ability to benefit from the scheme.
– Would not otherwise have access to such opportunities.
If you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at: