
Restoring, conserving and celebrating our amazing heritage

At Wellington College we have a truly remarkable heritage that we are extremely proud of.


Please support us

Heritage has been an area that has been given more resource to ensure that we are celebrating and preserving the amazing collection of artefacts, paintings and archives that we have. Last year we recruited a professional archivist who has undertaken a full audit of our artefacts, archives and paintings and we are now able to make some informed choices about how we make the most of what we have and how best to use the collection to engage all members of the College Community with our unique history and heritage.

Our heritage work is greatly enhanced by the Heritage Steering Group and we have established a ‘Friends of Wellington Heritage’ group to encourage small regular gifts and promote our heritage by hosting an annual Heritage Day at the College.

Recent Heritage Projects

Chapel windows

Funded by the College
Funded by philanthropy £110,000
Project cost £110,000

Waterloo Hall Renovation

Funded by the College £135,000
Funded by philanthropy
Project cost £135,000

Chapel Roll of Honours

Funded by the College £18,000
Funded by philanthropy
Project cost £18,000

Royal Foundation Room

Funded by the College £50,000
Funded by philanthropy
Project cost £50,000

Path of Duty Storyboards

Funded by the College £18,000
Funded by philanthropy
Project cost £18,000

Royal Foundation Exhibition

Funded by the College £25,000
Funded by philanthropy
Project cost £25,000

Latest News

OW vs OE Singapore Golf Match 2024

29 May 2024

On Friday 10th May, our Singapore OWs played a friendly golf match against the Singapore Old Etonians. Read the Match Report by our OW Singapore Rep, Will Jelf (Hg 96) below. The Singapore OW vs OE golf match had been long talked about and finally organised by the two skippers Jelf (Hg 91-96) and Eton’s […]


Speech Day – Then and Now

22 May 2024

In the early days, Speech Days were much smaller than they are now – there were only a couple of hundred boys in the school, and it was less common for parents to attend the day – it wasn’t expected, and many of them lived a long way away, quite possibly overseas. In 1894, Bertram […]


Building the Wellington Community’s Mental Resilience Podcast

10 May 2024

Patrick Melville (Hn 97) is a mental health expert and founder of Melville Mental Solutions (MMS). Prior to starting MMS, Patrick worked in the media and marketing sector, but factors beyond his control encouraged him to switch career paths and launch MMS in 2013. Patrick has firsthand experience of dealing with personal trauma and having […]


Upcoming Events

08 August 2024

Public Historic Tour of Wellington College

Wellington College



Wellington Archivist Caroline Jones will take you on a tour of the College’s central historic buildings, explaining along the way the fascinating story of College’s foundation and early years. You will see some treasures from our historic collections and learn what makes Wellington so unique. Refreshments will be served in Great School on arrival. This tour is for the general public, but Wellington parents and OWs are ore than welcome.

Book your place »

10 September 2024

Life Beyond Wellington Networking Evening

The Other House, London



Are you an OW or parent who is established in their career and able to offer advice or work shadowing within your company? Or perhaps you are a young OW looking for support around careers? Either way, this event is for you! The Life Beyond Wellington Networking Evening is an event for all members of the Wellington Community, designed to support our young OWs as they navigate their way through university and/or the beginning of their career. We are looking for:


  • Young OWs who are currently at university, have recently graduated or are just starting out in their careers who want to engage and build connections with experienced members of the Wellington Community.
  • Parents and OWs who are established in their careers, working in a range of industries. If you feel you could offer advice, possible mentoring, work placements, or graduate roles within your company then we would love to hear from you! Please get in touch if you would be interested in bringing a member of your recruitment team, especially if your company offers work experience and/or graduate roles


Tickets are free of charge and include welcome drinks and canapés.

Book your place »

13 September 2024

30 Year Reunion – Class of 1994

Duke of Sussex, London



The Wellington Community would like to invite all 1994 Leavers to reunite and reminisce with one another at The Duke of Sussex, Waterloo. Drinks and a light buffet will be available from 6.30pm to celebrate this wonderful milestone. Please spread the word to ensure we can get as many of the Class of 1994 together as possible!


Tickets cost £10 each, and include welcome drinks and light buffet.


OWs and their partners and/or guests are all very welcome to attend.

Book your place »

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