Wil Pope

Bl 22
“Working as a telephone caller was a valuable, motivating, and satisfying way to enhance my personal skills whilst feeling a broader sense of service to the school.”

Our OW callers have been asked a few questions about their time at Wellington and why they decided to be involved as a caller during our telephone campaign which took place in April 2024.

Wil Pope (L 23) is currently in his second year at the University of Exeter reading Politics.

Qu. 1 What is your favourite memory from Wellington?

“Upper Sixth being HoH and leading all the House events: football, singing, dance, MNF etc.”

Qu. 2 Why did you want to be a part of the campaign? What made you want to get involved?

“I want to give back to the Wellington Community and gain valuable career skills and confidence in the process. “

Qu. 3 Can you tell us a ‘Fun Fact’ about yourself!

“I’m scared of heights.”